Courses Taught

PS270 – Introduction to Social Psychology

Course calendar description:

Introduction to the scientific study of how people think about, influence, and relate to one another. Topics include: social cognition, the self and identity; attitudes and attitude change; persuasion; conformity; group processes; cultural influences; prejudice and discrimination; helping; aggression; interpersonal attraction; intimate relationships; and applied issues (e.g., health, environmental, political and legal applications).

Click here for the most recent syllabus (Fall 2009)

PS295 – Research Methods I

Course calendar description:

Fundamentals of the logic of science, research design and interpretation. Weekly laboratory sessions provide experience with various aspects of research, including demonstrations, experiments and preparation of reports.

Click here for the most recent syllabus (Fall 2017)

PS470 – Seminar in Social Psychology (Undergraduate)

Course calendar description:

The objective of this course is to familiarize students with the broad sub-area of social psychology that has become known as “social cognition”. Researchers working in this area seek to understand social psychological phenomena by examining the underlying cognitive processes. In other words they attempt to explain what is going on inside people’s minds as they think about and interact with one another. Much of the research examined in this course focuses on the sorts of judgments and thinking that we are all engaged in throughout the course of our everyday lives.

Click here for the most recent syllabus (Winter 2018)

PS670 – Seminar in Social Psychology (Graduate)

Course calendar description:

A discussion of selected current substantive issues in social psychology, including both laboratory and field research and theoretical concerns. Topics such as attitudes, social cognition, the self, group dynamics, aggression, altruism, methodology in social psychology and socialization are included. Students are required to develop a research proposal as a major component of the course.

Click here for the most recent syllabus (Winter 2014)

PS870 – Specialized Research and Methods in Social Psychology (Graduate)

Course calendar description:

An advanced course in social psychology research areas (offered every other year).

Click here for the most recent syllabus (Winter 2004)