Buehler, R., & Griffin, D. (2013-2018). Improving forecast accuracy: Backward planning and the prediction of task completion times.
SSHRC Insight Grant ($148,496)
Buehler, R. (2012-2013). Reducing underestimation errors: Backward planning and the prediction of task completion times.
WLU Seed Grant ($3,000)
Buehler, R., & Griffin, D. (2008-2012). Sources of accuracy and bias in the prediction of personal spending.
SSHRC Research Grant ($83,000)
Buehler, R., & Griffin, D. (2004-2008). Visual perspective and self prediction.
SSHRC Research Grant ($88,000)
Buehler, R., & Griffin, D. (2000-2004). Interactive planning and prediction.
SSHRC Research Grant ($88,000)
Wood, E., Buehler, R., Hunsberger, B., Pancer, S.M., Pratt, M. (1999-2000). Observational and experimental data acquisition systems.
Canadian Foundation for Innovation ($95,567)
Buehler, R. (1996-2000). The prediction of affective reactions.
SSHRC Research Grant ($70,000)
Buehler, R. (1993-96). The prediction of task completion time.
SSHRC Research Grant ($72,000)
Buehler, R. (1992-93). The prediction of task completion time.
SSHRC Small Grant ($5,516)
Buehler R. (1991-92). The prediction of task completion time.
SFU President’s Research Grant ($6,584)