Suzanne Elayan


Loughborough University

Dr. Suzanne Elayan is a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) at the Centre for Information Management (CIM) at Loughborough University. Her work revolves around computational social media research, computational linguistics, and sentiment analysis within their various applications. Her expertise lies in utilizing a mixed-methods approach to design and develop semantic models that are used to detect and measure emotional effects mostly in unstructured social media data. Suzanne teaches subjects related to social media analytics, cultural analytics, and information architecture. Suzanne is a co-developer of the EMOTIVE ( advanced sentiment analysis system.


Tušl M., Thelen A., ·Marcus K., Peters A., Shalaeva E., Scheckel B., Sykora M., Elayan S., Naslund J.A., Shankardass K., Mooney S.J., Fadda M. and Gruebner O. (2022) Opportunities and challenges of using social media big data to assess mental health consequences of the COVID‑19 crisis and future major events, Discover Mental Health, ISSN: 2731-4383, DOI:10.1007/s44192-022-00017

Sykora M., Elayan S., Hodgkinson I.R., Jackson T. and West A. (2022) The Power of Emotions: Leveraging User Generated Content for Customer Experience Management, Journal of Business Research, ISSN: 1873-7978, DOI:tbc [ABS 3]

Morese R., Grubner O., Sykora M., Elayan S., Fadda M. and Albanese E. (2022) Detecting Suicide Ideation in the Era of Social Media: A Population Neuroscience Perspective, Frontiers in Psychology [ABS 1, Impact Factor 2.990]