Our areas of research include bilingualism, language acquisition, language teaching and learning, psycholinguistics, neurolinguistics, and translation and cognition.
In preparation / under contract
Bruhn de Garavito, J., & Schwieter, J. W. Introducing linguistics (2nd Edition). Cambridge University Press.
Klassen, G., & Schwieter, J. W. (Eds.). Quantitative research methods in multilingual acquisition and processing. Benjamins.
Schwieter, J. W. Introducing applied linguistics and language sciences. Cambridge University Press.
Schwieter, J. W., Angelovska, T., & Heredia, R. Language(s) and cognition. Cambridge University Press.
Schwieter, J. W., & Dawaele, J-M. (Eds.). Bloomsbury Applied Linguistics: Volume 1: Multilingualism. Bloomsbury.
December 2024. Schwieter, J. W., Ferreira, A., & Wei, L. Understanding multilingualism: An introduction. Wiley.
In print
2024. Schwieter, J. W., & Festman, J. The cognitive neuroscience of bilingualism. Cambridge University Press.
2023. Ferreira, A., & Schwieter, J. W. (Eds.). The Routledge handbook of translation, interpreting, and bilingualism. Routledge.
2023. Ferreira, A., & Schwieter, J. W. (Eds.). Introduction to translation and interpreting studies. Wiley.
2023. Garraffa, M., Sorace, A., & Vender, M.; adapted and translated by Schwieter, J. W. Bilingualism matters: Language learning across the lifespan. Cambridge University Press.
2023. Schwieter, J. W. (Ed.). Multilingualism: Consequences for the brain and mind. MDPI
2022. Benati, A., & Schwieter, J. W. (Eds.). Second language acquisition theory: The legacy of Professor Michael H. Long. Benjamins.
2022. Schwieter, J. W., Rivera, J., & Iida-Miller, P. (Eds.). Engaging in critical language studies. Information Age.
2022. Schwieter, J. W., & Wen, Z. (Eds.).The Cambridge handbook of working memory and language. Cambridge University Press.
2021. Bruhn de Garavito, J., & Schwieter, J. W. Introducing linguistics: Theoretical and applied approaches (1st Edition). Cambridge University Press.
2020. Iida-Miller, P., Reagan, T., Schwieter, J. W., McGivern, C-H, & Ho, J. (Eds.). Readings in language studies: Critical perspectives on teaching, learning, and society (Vol. 8). International Society for Language Studies.
2019. Costa, A. (Author) & Schwieter, J. W. (Translator). The bilingual brain: And what it tells us about the science of language [Translation of El cerebro bilingüe: La neurociencia del lenguaje]. Allen Lane/Penguin Random House.
2019. Austin, L., Hernandez, A., & Schwieter, J. W. Proficiency predictors in sequential bilinguals: The proficiency puzzle. Cambridge University Press.
2019. Schwieter, J. W. (Ed.). The handbook of the neuroscience of multilingualism. Wiley-Blackwell.
2019. Schwieter, J. W., & Benati, A. (Eds.). The Cambridge handbook of language learning. Cambridge University Press.
2017. Schwieter, J. W., & Ferreira, A. (Eds.). The handbook of translation and cognition. Wiley-Blackwell.
2016. Schwieter, J. W. (Ed.). Cognitive control and consequences of multilingualism. Benjamins.
2015. Ferreira, A., & Schwieter, J. W. (Eds.). Psycholinguistic and cognitive inquiries into translation and interpreting. Benjamins.
2015. Schwieter, J. W. (Ed.). The Cambridge handbook of bilingual processing. Cambridge University Press.
2014. Schwieter, J. W., & Ferreira, A. (Eds.). The development of translation competence: Theories and methodologies from psycholinguistics and cognitive science. Cambridge Scholars.
2013. Schwieter, J. W. (Ed.). Innovative research and practices in second language acquisition and bilingualism. Benjamins.
2013. Schwieter, J. W. (Ed.). Studies and global perspectives of second language teaching and learning. Information Age.
2010. Schwieter, J. W. Cognition and bilingual speech: Psycholinguistic aspects of language production, processing, and inhibitory control. Lambert Academic.
Journal and Book Series Edited
Schwieter, J. W. (Editor-in-Chief). Ampersand: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Language Sciences and Bilingualism. Elsevier.
Benati, A., & Schwieter, J. W. (Co-Editors). Cambridge Elements in Second Language Acquisition. Cambridge University Press.
Schwieter, J. W. (Executive Editor). Bilingual Processing and Acquisition. Benjamins.
Special Issues of Journals Edited
2023. Li, F., Guijarro-Fuentes, P., Lerner, I., Schwieter, J. W., & Filippi, R. New ideas in language sciences: Language acquisition [Special issue]. Frontiers in Psychology.
2022. Schwieter, J. W. (Ed.). Multilingualism: Consequences for the brain and mind [Special issue]. Languages.
2021. Jia, F., Ferreira, A., Pasquarella, A., Schwieter, J. W., & Gottardo, A. (Eds.). Culture and second language learning in migrants [Special issue]. Frontiers in Psychology.
2020. Iida-Miller, P., & Schwieter, J. W. (Eds.). Intersections of language studies and social/political movements, activism, and participation [Special issue]. Critical Inquiry in Language Studies: An International Journal, 17(1).
2019. Ferreira, A., Lourenço da Silva, I., & Schwieter, J. W. (Eds.). Leitura, escrita e tradução: desafios e aplicações da pesquisa empírica e experimental [Special issue]. Domínios de Lingu@gem, 13(2).
Journal Articles and Book Chapters
In preparation or under review
Fang, L., Schwieter, J. W., Ma, J., & Wang, R. The moderating role of lexical difficulty on the disfluency effect in second language vocabulary learning.
Fang, L., Yu, K., Li, Z., Schwieter, J. W., & Wang, R. Perceptual processing of prosodic boundaries in Chinese-English learners: Transfer and strategies.
Huang, J., Liu, S., Lv, M., Schwieter, J. W., & Liu, H. A dual brain EEG examination of the effects of model and observational learning on bilingual language control.
Huang, J., Lv, M., Xiang, Y., Liu, S., Shen, Y., Schwieter, J. W., & Liu, H. Reversal rewards drive language switching during observational learning: Evidence from a dual-brain EEG study.
Jasemi, A., Gottardo, A., & Schwieter, J. W. Acculturation and English proficiency among adult newcomer mimigrant ESL learners in Canada across language instruction methods.
Jiao, L., Gao, Y., Schwieter, J. W., Li, L., Zhu, M., & Liu, C. Comprehension-based language switching in experienced languages and new languages: Evidence from induced oscillations.
Jiao, L., Lina, Y., Schwieter, J. W., & Liu, C. Learning novel words in an immersive virtual reality context: Tracking lexicalization through behavioral and ERP measures.
Jiao, L., Wang, Z., Schwieter, J. W., Zhou, G., & Liu, C. Emotions influence VR-based novel word learning: An ERP study
Jiao, L., Wang, Z., Yu, X., Schwieter, J. W., & Liu, C. Abstract vocabulary acquisition: Benefits from virtual reality-supported simulations.
Li, X., Reid, K., Gottardo, A., & Schwieter, J. W. A cross-cultural study of mother-child shared reading of wordless and worded picture books in preschool children.
Liu, C., Lin, Y., Schwieter, J. W., & Jiao, L. Presence of emotional cues affect second language vocabulary learning in a VR multimedia environment.
Liu, C., Zhou, G., Jiao, L., & Schwieter, J. W. Investigating the process of L2 vocabulary learning in immersive virtual reality: A structural equation modeling approach.
Liu, D., Meng, Y., Liu, L., Liu, S., Schwieter, J. W., & Chen, B. The dynamic influence of language switching contexts on domain-general cognitive control: An EEG study.
Liu, H., Kong, C., Schwieter, J. W., & Muñoz, F. Neural correlates of affective self-bias in first and second language contexts.
Liu, S., Liu, D., Schwieter, J. W., & Liu, H. Do domain-general and language-specific genes affect bilingual language control? Evidence from delta oscillations.
Liu, W., Schwieter, J. W., & Liu, H. Language switching elicits negative affective signal in bilinguals.
Liu, W., Xing, Z., Schwieter, J. W., Guo, Z., & Liu, H. Emotion-laden words differently influence language control in bilinguals: An fMRI study.
Lv, M., Ren, L., Schwieter, J. W., & Liu, H. The effects of disturbance on the neural mechanisms involved in new language acquisition.
Mao, Y., Jiao, L., Schwieter, J. W., & Liu, C. The foreign language effect on tolerance of ambiguity in a collectivist culture.
Qu, Y., Shen, Y., Zhang, T., Huo, Y., Liu, H., Schwieter, J. W., Li, X., & Liang, Z. Mechanisms of abnormal brain function in multidimensional gait impairment among Parkinson’s patients with freezing of gait: A resting state fNIRS study.
Schwieter, J. W., Ferreira, A, & Kruger, J-L. Cognitive linguistics in translation. In Y. Gambier & L. van Doorslaer (Eds.), More border crossings. Benjamins.
Schwieter, J. W., & Klassen, G. A conceptualization of the effects of masked priming in mobile-assisted second language learning at home and abroad.
Schwieter, J. W., Klassen, G., & Howard, M. Spanish vocabulary and grammar development in study broad experiences.
Shen, Y., Xiang, Y., Lv, M., Schwieter, J. W., & Liu, H. Increased interbrain synchronization of the left middle frontal gyrus is beneficial to word formation learning in social interaction: An fNIRS hyperscanning study.
Wang, X., Lv, M., Schwieter, J. W., & Liu, H. Language context influences moral schema: Evidence from an ERP study.
Wang, Y., Schwieter, J. W., Huang, S., Ma, Y., & Wang, R. The effects of Chinese and foreign faces on word recognition among Chinese-English bilinguals.
Xiang, Y., Shen, Y., Schwieter, J. W., & Liu, H. Dual EEG reveals the neurocognitive mechanisms of attention while learning new concepts in a second language: Evidence from word-guessing interactions.
Xing, Z., Wang, X., Huang, J., Schwieter, J. W., & Liu, H. Does learning a second or third language affect the adaptation of cognitive control in bilinguals?: A longitudinal fMRI study.
Zhang, W., Li, Y., Zhou, C., Li, B., Schwieter, J. W., Liu, H., & Liu, M. Expectation modulates learning of emotional words: Evidence from a hierarchical Bayesian model.
Zhou, C., Zhang, W., Li, Y., Schwieter, J. W., Niu, C., & Liu, H. Diametrical roles of emotional valence for children’s word acquisition of emotion-label words and emotion-laden words.
105. Ferreira, A., & Schwieter, J. W. Interpreting and comprehension. In C. Mellinger (Ed.), The Routledge handbook of interpreting and cognition. Routledge.
104. Jankowiak, K., Heredia, R., & Schwieter, J. W. Multilingualism and the mind. In J. W. Schwieter & J-M Dewaele (Eds.), Bloomsbury Applied Linguistics: Volume 1: Multilingualism. Bloomsbury.
103. Klassen, G., & Schwieter, J. W. Approximating immersion learning in classroom settings: How it’s done and what it means for learners. In A. Benati (Ed.), Language teaching and pedagogy. Bloomsbury.
102. Ren, L., Lv, M., Wang, X., Schwieter, J. W., & Liu, H. iTBS reveals the roles of domain-general cognitive control and language-specific regions during learning of word formation rules. Cerebral Cortex.
101. Schwieter, J. W. Neurolinguistics and additional language development. In H. Nesi & P. Milin (Eds.), International encyclopedia of language and linguistics (3rd Edition). Elsevier.
100. Schwieter, J. W., Howard, M., & Jackson, J. Learning context: Study abroad and immersion in second language acquisition. In M. Leeser & G. Sunderman (Eds.), Second language acquisition. Bloomsbury.
99. Schwieter, J. W., & Klassen, G. Cognitive and neural aspects of the bilingual mental lexicon. In E. Andrews & S. Kiran (Eds.), The Cambridge handbook of language and brain. Cambridge University Press.
98. Schwieter, J. W., Klassen, G., & Rastelli, S. Acquiring and processing two languages in one brain. In J. Herschensohn, M. Young-Scholten, A. Fernández-Dobao, & A. Ho-Cheong Leung (Eds.), The Cambridge handbook of second language acquisition (2nd Edition). Cambridge University Press.
97. Shen, Y., Liu, X., Xiang, Y., Schwieter, J. W., & Liu, H. Co-learning companionship benefits word learning in a second language: Evidence from a dual-brain EEG examination. Cerebral Cortex.
96. Tiselius, E., Schwieter, J. W., Da Silva, I., & Massey, G. Cued retrospection. In A. Rojo & R. Muñoz (Eds.), Innovative data collection methods in Cognitive Translation and Interpreting Studies. Benjamins.
95. Deng, T., Schwieter, J. W., Huan, L., Zhang, Y., Yuan, J., & Wang, R. Cross-language activation and semantic judgements of translation ambiguous words among Chinese–English bilinguals. International Journal of Bilingualism [Ahead-of-Print], 1-28.
94. Fang, L., Liu, W., Schwieter, J. W., & Wu, R. The role of prosodic sensitivity and executive function in L2 reading: The moderated mediation effect. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition [Ahead-of-Print], 1-12.
93. Guo, Z., Xing, Z., Liu, L., Schwieter, J. W., & Liu, H. An fMRI study on how decisions in first and second languages are influenced by affective feedback from different social hierarchical positions. Cognitive Neurodynamics, 1-16.
92. Liu, S., Huang, J., Xing, Z., Liu, H., & Schwieter, J. W. Neural correlates of compound head position in language control: Evidence from simultaneous production and comprehension. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition [Ahead-of-Print], 1-13.
91. Guo, T., Wang, X., Wu, J., Schwieter, J. W., & Liu, H. Effects of contextualized emotional conflict control on domain-general control: fMRI evidence of neural network reconfiguration. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 19(1), 1-11.
90. Jiao, L., Zhu, M., Xu, Z., Zhou, G., Schwieter, J. W., & Liu, C. An ERP study on novel word learning in a second language immersive virtual reality context. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 27(1), 128-136.
89. Liu, B., Yu, K., Schwieter, J. W., Sun, P., & Wang, R. The partially overlapping nature of inhibitory control and preparatory control during language, concept, and perception switching. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 27(3), 410-426.
88. Liu, C., Mao, Y., Wang, X., Schwieter, J. W., & Jiao, L. Sleep-dependent consolidation effects on second language word acquisition in a virtual reality environment. Memory & Cognition, 52(2), 302-311.
87. Schwieter, J. W. Bilingual language processing. In M. Aronoff (Ed.), The Oxford research encyclopedia of linguistics. Oxford University Press.
86. Schwieter, J. W. Psycholinguistics. In J. Franco & R. Muñoz (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Translation and Interpreting. Iberian Association for Translation and Interpreting Studies. Also available in Spanish and in Portuguese.
85. Schwieter, J. W., & Benati, A. Input and input processing in first language acquisition and sequential bilingualism. In W. Wong & J. Barcroft (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of second language acquisition and input processing (pp. 42-55). Routledge.
84. Ferreira, A., & Schwieter, J. W. Interfaces of translation, interpreting, and bilingualism from cognitive perspectives. In A. Ferreira & J. W. Schwieter (Eds.). The Routledge handbook of translation, interpreting, and bilingualism. Routledge.
83. Ferreira, A., & Schwieter, J. W. The birth and development of Translation and Interpreting Studies. In A. Ferreira & J. W. Schwieter (Eds.). Introduction to translation and interpreting studies (pp. 1-21). Wiley.
82. Guo, T., Schwieter, J. W., & Liu, H. fMRI reveals overlapping and non-overlapping neural bases of domain-general and emotional conflict control. Psychophysiology, 60(10), e14355, 1-16.
81. Klassen, G., Ferreira, A., & Schwieter, J. W. The role of study abroad in the acquisition and processing of L2 gender agreement. Applied Linguistics Review, 14(2), 391-413.
80. Liu, D., Mu, L., Schwieter, J. W., & Liu, H. The COMT gene modulates the relationship between bilingual adaptation in executive function and decision-making: An EEG study. Cognitive Neurodynamics, 17(4), 893-907.
79. Liu, D., Xing, Z., Huang, J., Schwieter, J. W., & Liu, H. Genetic bases of language control in bilinguals: Evidence from an EEG study. Human Brain Mapping, 44(3), 3624-3643.
78. Liu, H., Guo, Z., Jiang, Y., Schwieter, J. W., & Wang, F. Neural circuits underlying language control and modality control in bilinguals: An fMRI study. Neuropsychologia, 178(108430), 1-14.
77. Liu, H., Liu, W., Schwieter, J. W., & Wu, Y. How processing emotion affects language control in bilinguals. Brain Structure and Function, 228(2), 635-649.
76. Liu, L., Liu, D., Guo, T., Schwieter, J. W., & Liu, H. The right superior temporal gyrus plays a role in semantic-rule learning: Evidence from the reinforcement learning model. NeuroImage, 282(120393), 1-12.
75. Liu, S., Huang, J., Schwieter, J. W., & Liu, H. The role of morphological configuration in language control during production and comprehension. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 26(5), 1067-1078.
74. Liu, S., Schwieter, J. W., Wang, F., & Liu, H. An ERP study of self-positivity bias in native and foreign language contexts. Psychophysiology, 60(1), e141415, 1-14.
73. Schwieter, J. W., & Rastelli, S. Neurolinguistics for language learning. In L. Wei, Z. Hua, & J. Simpson (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of applied linguistics, Volume 1: Language learning and language education (2nd Edition) (pp. 362-373). Routledge.
72. Xing, Z., Ren, L., Schwieter, J. W., & Liu, H. Spatiotemporal evidence uncovers differential neural activity patterns in cognitive and affective conflict control. Behavioural Brain Research, 451(114522), 1-10.
71. Zuo, M., Schwieter, J. W., Cao, N., & Liu, H. The role of language control in cross-language phoneme processing: Evidence from Chinese-English bilinguals. International Journal of Bilingualism, 27(3) 293–305.
70. Benati, A., & Schwieter, J. W. The legacy of Professor Michael H. Long and his influence in second language acquisition. In A. Benati & J. W. Schwieter (Eds.), Second language acquisition theory: The legacy of Professor Michael H. Long (pp. 1-7). Benjamins.
69. Czapka, S., Festman, J., & Schwieter, J. W. The influence of peripheral emotional expressions on inhibitory control among children. Acta Psychologica, 223(103507), 1-10.
68. Ferreira, A., & Schwieter, J. W. Cognitive approaches to interpreting studies. In F. Zanettin & C. Rundle (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of translation and methodology (pp. 340-355). Routledge.
67. Jiao, L., Gao, Y., Schwieter, J. W., Li, L., Zhu, M., & Liu, C. Control mechanisms in voluntary versus mandatory language switching: Evidence from ERPs. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 178, 43-50.
66. Jiao, L., Meng, N., Wang, Z., Schwieter, J. W., & Liu, C. Partially shared neural mechanisms of bilingual language control and executive control: Insights from a meta-analytic comparison between language and task switching studies. Neuropsychologia, 172(108273), 1-10.
65. Liu, D., Schwieter, J. W., Wang, F., Mu, L., & Liu, H. Uncovering the effects of language control on rational choices: An ERP study. Psychophysiology, 59(10), 1-18.
64. Liu, H., Li, W., Zuo, M., Wang, F., Guo, Z., & Schwieter, J. W. Cross-task adaptation effects of bilingual language control on cognitive control: A dual-brain EEG examination of simultaneous production and comprehension. Cerebral Cortex, 32(15), 3224-3242.
63. Liu, L., Schwieter, J. W., Wang, F., & Liu, H. First and second languages differentially affect rationality when making decisions: An ERP study. Biological Psychology, 169(108265), 1-19.
62. Schwieter, J. W., & Rivera Flores, J. Describing and perceiving sexual orientation based on linguistic cues: An update of Schwieter (2010). In J. W. Schwieter, Rivera, J., & Iida-Miller, P. (Eds.), Engaging in critical language studies (pp. 141-168). Information Age.
61. Schwieter, J. W., Wen, Z., & Bennett, T. Working memory and language: An overview of key topics. In J. W. Schwieter & Z. Wen (Eds.), The Cambridge handbook of working memory and language (pp. 3-18). Cambridge University Press.
60. Wen, E., & Schwieter, J. W. Toward an integrated account of working memory and language. In J. W. Schwieter & Z. Wen (Eds.), The Cambridge handbook of working memory and language (pp. 909-927). Cambridge University Press.
59. Fang, L., Xie, Y., Yu, K., Wang, R., & Schwieter, J. W. An examination of prosody and L2 sentence processing through pause insertion. International Journal of Bilingualism, 25(5), 1473-1485.
58. Ferreira, A., Schwieter, J. W., & Gries, S. Assessing indicators of cognitive effort in professional translators: A study on language dominance and directionality. In TraCo Team (Eds.), Translation, interpreting, cognition: The way out of the box (pp. 115-143). Language Science.
57. Jackson, J., Howard, M., & Schwieter, J. W. Language proficiency: Developmental perspectives and linguistic outcomes of education abroad. In A. Ogden, B. Streitwieser, & C. Van Mol (Eds.), Education abroad: Bridging scholarship and practice (pp. 92-105). Routledge.
56. Jiao, L., Liu, C., Schwieter, J. W., & Chen, B. Switching between newly learned languages impacts executive control. Psychophysiology, 58(10), e13888, 1-14.
55. Schwieter, J. W., Jackson, J., & Ferreira, A. When ‘domestic’ and ‘international’ students study abroad: Reflections on language learning, contact, and culture. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 24(1), 124-137.
54. Ferreira, A., Schwieter, J. W., & Festman, J. Cognitive and neurocognitive effects from the unique bilingual experiences of interpreters. Frontiers in Psychology, 11(548755), 1-10.
53. Linck, J. A., Schwieter, J. W., & Sunderman, G. The differential role of executive functions in the cognitive control of language switching [Featured article on front cover]. Languages, 5(2), 19, 1-20.
52. Santesteban, M., & Schwieter, J. W. Lexical selection and competition in bilinguals. In R. Heredia & A. Cieślicka (Eds.), Bilingual lexical ambiguity resolution (pp. 126-156). Cambridge University Press.
51. Schwieter, J. W., & Ferreira, A. Learning a language abroad and the implications for social participation and positioning. Critical Inquiry in Language Studies: An International Journal, 17(1), 64-78.
50. Schwieter, J. W., Festman, J., & Ferreira, A. Current research in bilingualism and the implications for translation and interpreting studies. Linguistica Antverpiensia, 19, 80-93.
49. Schwieter, J. W., & Iida-Miller, P. Intersections of language studies and social/political movements, activism, and participation. Critical Inquiry in Language Studies: An International Journal, 17(1), 1-4.
48. Schwieter, J. W., & Prior, A. Translation ambiguity. In R. Heredia & A. Cieślicka (Eds.), Bilingual lexical ambiguity resolution (pp. 96-125). Cambridge University Press.
47. Benati, A., & Schwieter, J. W. Pedagogical interventions to grammar instruction. In J. W Schwieter & A. Benati (Eds.), The Cambridge handbook of language learning (pp. 477-499). Cambridge University Press.
46. Da Silva, I., Ferreira, A., & Schwieter, J. W. Challenges for research on reading, writing, interpreting, and translation: In honor of Márcia Schmaltz. Domínios de Lingu@gem, 13(2), 447-461.
45. Ferreira, A., Miglio, V., & Schwieter, J. W. Minority languages at home and abroad: Education and acculturation. In J. W Schwieter & A. Benati (Eds.), The Cambridge handbook of language learning (pp. 696-726). Cambridge University Press.
44. Festman, J., & Schwieter, J. W. Self-concepts in reading and spelling among mono- and multilingual children: Extending the bilingual advantage. Behavioral Sciences, 9(4), 39.
43. Jackson, J., & Schwieter, J. W. Study abroad and immersion. In J. W Schwieter & A. Benati (Eds.), The Cambridge handbook of language learning (pp. 727-750). Cambridge University Press.
42. Libben, G., & Schwieter, J. W. Lexical organization and reorganization in the multilingual mind. In J. W. Schwieter (Ed.), The handbook of the neuroscience of multilingualism (pp. 297-312). Wiley-Blackwell.
41. Liu, C., Yang, C-L, Jiao, L., Schwieter, J. W., Sun, X, & Wang, R. Training in language switching facilitates bilinguals’ monitoring and inhibitory control. Frontiers in Psychology, 10(1839), 1-13.
40. Shekari, E., & Schwieter, J. W. Factors affecting multilingual processing. In J. W. Schwieter (Ed.), The handbook of the neuroscience of multilingualism (pp. 372-388). Wiley-Blackwell.
39. Wilck, A., Altarriba, J., Heredia, R., & Schwieter, J. W. Learning and memory in the bilingual mind and brain. In J. W. Schwieter (Ed.), The handbook of the neuroscience of multilingualism (pp. 389-407). Wiley-Blackwell.
38. Ferreira, A., Gottardo, A., & Schwieter, J. W. Decision-making processes in direct and inverse translation through retrospective protocols. Translation, Cognition, & Behavior, 1(1), 98-118.
37. Howard, M., & Schwieter, J. W. The development of second language grammar in a study abroad context. In C. Sanz & A. Morales-Front (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of study abroad research and practice (pp. 135-148). Routledge.
36. Schwieter, J. W., & Ferreira, A. Bilingualism, translation, and interpreting. In K. Malmkjær (Ed.), The Routledge handbook of translation studies and linguistics (pp. 251-266). Routledge.
35. Schwieter, J. W., Ferreira, A., & Miller, P. Study abroad learners’ metalinguistic and sociocultural reflections on short- and long-term international experiences. Intercultural Education, 29(2), 236-257.
34. Yu, Z., & Schwieter, J. W. Recognizing the effects of language mode on the cognitive advantages of bilingualism. Frontiers in Psychology, 9(366), 1-6.
33. Benati, A., & Schwieter, J. W. Input Processing and Processing Instruction: Pedagogical and cognitive considerations for L3 acquisition. In T. Angelovska & A. Hahn (Eds.), L3 syntactic transfer: Models, new developments, and implications (pp. 253-275). Benjamins.
32. Ferreira, A., & Schwieter, J. W. Directionality in translation. In J. W. Schwieter & A. Ferreira (Eds.), The handbook of translation and cognition (pp. 90-105). Wiley-Blackwell.
31. Schwieter, J. W., & Ferreira, A. Bilingualism in cognitive translation and interpreting studies. In J. W. Schwieter & A. Ferreira (Eds.), The handbook of translation and cognition (pp. 144-164). Wiley-Blackwell.
30. Schwieter, J. W., & Ferreira, A. On the interrelated nature of study abroad learners’ language contact, perceptions of culture, and personal outcomes. The Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 19(2), 151-173.
29. Ferreira, A., Gottardo, A., Javier, C., Schwieter, J. W., & Jia, F. Reading comprehension: The role of acculturation, language dominance, and socioeconomic status in cross-linguistic relations. Spanish Journal of Applied Linguistics, 29(2), 613-639.
28. Ferreira, A., Schwieter, J. W., Gottardo, A., & Jones, J. Cognitive effort in direct and inverse translation performance: Insight from eye-tracking technology. Cadernos de Tradução, 36(3), 60-80.
27. Schwieter, J. W., & Ferreira, A. Effects of cognitive control, lexical robustness, and frequency of codeswitching on language switching. In J. W. Schwieter (Ed.), Cognitive control and consequences of multilingualism (pp. 193-216). Benjamins.
26. Schwieter, J. W., & Klassen, G. Linguistic advances and learning strategies in a short-term study abroad experience. Study Abroad Research in Second Language Acquisition and International Education, 1(2), 217-247.
25. Linck, J. A., Michael, E., Golonka, E., Twist, A., & Schwieter, J. W. Moving beyond two languages: The effects of multilingualism on language processing and language learning. In J. W. Schwieter (Ed.), The Cambridge handbook of bilingual processing (pp. 665-694). Cambridge University Press.
24. Ferreira, A., Schwieter, J. W., & Gile, D. The position of psycholinguistics and cognitive science in translation and interpreting: An introduction. In A. Ferreira & J. W. Schwieter (Eds.), Psycholinguistic and cognitive inquiries into translation and interpreting (pp. 3-15). Benjamins.
23. Festman, J., & Schwieter, J. W. Behavioural measures of language control: Production and comprehension. In J. W. Schwieter (Ed.), The Cambridge handbook of bilingual processing (pp. 527-547). Cambridge University Press.
22. Schwieter, J. W., & Tokowicz, N. Bilingual processing: A dynamic and rapidly changing field. In J. W. Schwieter (Ed.), The Cambridge handbook of bilingual processing (pp. 3-26). Cambridge University Press.
21. Schwieter, J. W., & Ferreira, A. Intersections of study abroad, social capital, and second language acquisition. In M. Mantero, J. Watze, & P. Chamness Miller (Eds.), Readings in language studies, vol. 4: Intersections of language and social justice (pp. 107-128). International Society for Language Studies.
20. Schwieter, J. W., & Ferreira, A. Underlying processes of L1 and L3 word translation: Exploring the semantic relatedness effect. In J. W. Schwieter & A. Ferreira (Eds.), The development of translation competence: Theories and methodologies from psycholinguistics and cognitive science (pp. 87-106). Cambridge Scholars.
19. Klassen, G., & Schwieter, J. W. The morphosyntactic interface of determiner phrases. Open Journal of Modern Linguistics, 3(4), 360-366.
18. Schwieter, J. W. The foreign language imagined learning community: Developing identity and increasing investment. In D. Rivers & S. Houghton (Eds.), Social identities and multiple selves in foreign language education (pp. 139-155). Bloomsbury.
17. Schwieter, J. W. Immersion learning: Implications for non-native lexical development. In J. W. Schwieter (Ed.), Studies and global perspectives of second language teaching and learning (pp. 165-185). Information Age.
16. Schwieter, J. W. Lexical inhibition in trilingual speakers. In J. Tirkkonen & E. Anttikoski (Eds.), Proceedings of The 24th Conference of Scandinavian Linguistics. Publications of the University of Eastern Finland: Reports and Studies in Education, Humanities, and Theology (pp. 249-260). University of Eastern Finland Press.
15. Schwieter, J. W., & Ferreira, A. Language selection, control, and conceptual-lexical development in bilinguals and multilinguals. In J. W. Schwieter (Ed.), Innovative research and practices in second language acquisition and bilingualism (pp. 241-266). Benjamins.
14. Linck, J. A., Schwieter, J. W., & Sunderman, G. Inhibitory control predicts language switching performance in trilingual speech production. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 15(3), 651-662.
13. Schwieter, J. W., & Kunert, S. Short-term study abroad and cultural sessions: Issues of L2 development, identity, and socialization. In P. Chamness Miller, J. Watze, & M. Mantero (Eds.), Readings in language studies, vol. 3: Language and identity (pp. 587-604). International Society for Language Studies.
12. Schwieter, J. W. Migrant Hispanic students speak up: Linguistic and cultural perspectives of low academic attainment. Diaspora, Indigenous, and Minority Education: An International Journal, 5(1), 33-47.
11. Schwieter, J. W., & Sunderman, G. Inhibitory control processes and lexical access in trilingual speech production. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism, 1(4), 391-412.
10. Schwieter, J. W. Developing second language writing through scaffolding in the ZPD: A magazine project for an authentic audience. The Journal of College Teaching & Learning, 7(10), 31-45.
9. Schwieter, J. W. Describing and perceiving sexual orientation based on linguistic cues: At the crossroads of bilingualism and language acquisition. In J. Watze, M. Mantero, & P. Chamness Reece-Miller (Eds.), Readings in Language Studies, vol. 2: Language and Power (pp. 89-111). International Society for Language Studies.
8. Schwieter, J. W. Cognitive perspectives of target language selection in bilingual speech production: Factors of bilingualism and development. In I-H Lee & C-S Hong (Eds.), Proceedings of The 18th International Congress of Linguists: Current Issues in Unity and Diversity of Languages. Linguistic Society of Korea.
7. Schwieter, J. W., & Jaimes-Domínguez, J. L. Maximizing indigenous student learning in the mainstream with language and culture. Contemporary Issues in Education Research, 2(3), 39-46.
6. Schwieter, J. W., & Sunderman, G. Concept selection and developmental effects in bilingual speech production. Language Learning, 59(4), 897-927.
5. Schwieter, J. W. Preparing students for class: A hybrid enhancement to language learning. The College Teaching Methods and Styles Journal, 4(6), 41-50.
4. Schwieter, J. W. Language attitudes and gender: Descriptors and nationalistic ideologies. The Buckingham Journal of Language and Linguistics, 1(1), 113-127.
3. Schwieter, J. W. The effects of bilingual type on language selectivity. In M. Mantero, P. Chamness Reece-Miller, and J. Watze (Eds.), Readings in Language Studies, vol. 1: Language Across Disciplinary Boundaries (pp. 417-431). International Society for Language Studies.
2. Schwieter, J. W., & Sunderman, G. Language switching in bilingual speech production: In search of the language-specific selection mechanism. The Mental Lexicon, 3(2), 214-238.
1. Delany-Barmann, G., & Schwieter, J. W. Guatemala: An intercultural perspective. Democracy & Education, 15(1), 18-20.