IMPORTANT NOTICE: The OPPAT is owned and operated under agreement by Wilfrid Laurier University and is administered at Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo, Ontario and at the City of Ottawa Paramedic Services Headquarters. We do not provide training programs or other test preparation services. We are not affiliated with, and we do not support or endorse, any third-party physical training programs, preparatory courses, or any products or services that claim to train or prepare individuals for the OPPAT. We are not responsible for the quality, content, accuracy or safety of any third-party services or products. The use of any third-party services and products is at the sole risk and responsibility of the user. Enrollment in and use of such third-party services or products does not guarantee that you will pass the OPPAT.

What is the cost of the test?

  • the test is $312.50 + 40.62 (HST) = $353.12
  • payment in full must be made by credit card at the time of registration

What time should I arrive for my test?

  • arrive AT LEAST 30 minutes PRIOR to your scheduled appointment time regardless of location

What happens when I arrive for my test?

    • When you arrive, you will be met by a member of the OPPATTM testing team.
    • The OPPATTM Clinical Administrator will:
      • provide you with additional health and demographic documents to complete
      • review your completed CSEP Get Active Questionnaire and related medical documentation
      • measure your pre-test vitals
      • outfit you with a heart-rate monitor that will be worn for the duration of the appointment

When you have completed your paperwork and pre-test vitals assessment, you will be provided with an overview of the test.

Your OPPATTM Paramedic Lifting Partner (note: this is an active-duty paramedic) will give you a walk-through of all the equipment before you start your test.

Finally, you will be introduced to the OPPATTM Evaluator – this is the individual who will be providing you with step-by-step instructions throughout the test. The OPPATTM Evaluator will explain the testing process, including the tasks that are to be completed during the test, as well as the pass/fail criteria.

How long will my appointment take?

  • Your appointment will take approximately one (1) hour.

What happens after the test?

  • The OPPATTM Clinical Administrator will monitor your post-test vitals for a period of time, after which you will be able to leave.

How do I get the results of my test?

  • You will NOT be given your results at the time of testing. You will receive an email within 72 hours of completing your test. Your results are valid for six (6) months from the date of your test.

How do my results get sent to the paramedic services?

  • When you come in for your appointment, you will be asked to provide the names of the paramedic services that you are applying to, and we will send your results to them. In the past we had been sending the candidates hard copies / PDF copies of their certificates. Unfortunately, for a number of reasons, we have had to discontinue that practice. We are now sending the certificates directly to the services. You can use your results email as part of your application.

If I don’t pass the test, can I re-take it?

  • You can re-take the test, but you are required to wait a minimum of six weeks before doing so.

What happens if my blood pressure or heart rate are high during the pre-test vitals assessment?

  • For safety reasons, if your resting blood pressure is above 160/90 mmHg and/or your resting heart rate is above 100 bpm prior to testing, testing will NOT take place. You will be provided with a letter to take to your family physician or regulated healthcare practitioner to complete. Your family physician or regulated healthcare practitioner will be requested to assess your vital signs and identify a plan of action / care.
  • Once your family physician or regulated healthcare practitioner has completed the necessary documentation and it has been submitted to, testing can be re-scheduled, noting there is NO additional cost to reschedule your test.

Who will be my lifting partner for the test?

  • Your OPPATTM Paramedic Lifting Partner is an active duty paramedic currently employed in a Paramedic / Emergency Medical Service in Ontario.

What are the reasons I will be deemed unfit for duty (i.e., fail my test)?

  • Candidates will be deemed “unfit” for duty (i.e., fail the test) if during the OPPATTM any of the following occur:
  • unsafe handling of any piece of equipment;
  • any piece of equipment is dropped;
  • stopping during CPR and/or the manikin scoop carry;
  • running during the any part of the course of the test;
  • two points of contact are not maintained with the ground during stretcher lift/load/unload and scoop carry;
  • the safety of the candidate or that of any OPPATTM team member is deemed to be in jeopardy;
  • the candidate is unable to complete all tasks and all circuits of the OPPATTM; and,
  • the test is not completed within established time limits (minimum = 10 minutes; maximum = 17 minutes).