This site has been created and it is maintained by Dr. Mihai Costea.

9373 happy Cuscuta campestris - How to use the information from this site
[Aspiring!] Cuscuta-Man: Mihai Costea
ALL the images and information are original, and although I haven’t “marked the territory” with the copyright symbol or with my name embossed in the photographs, please do not forget that this is my stuff. You are more than welcome to use it for teaching or scientific, non-profit purposes. You can cite it something like this:

Costea, M. 2007-onwards. Digital Atlas of Cuscuta (Convolvulaceae).Wilfrid Laurier University Herbarium, Ontario, Canada.

If you are to make a profit from it, please let me know and a small donation to the WLU herbarium can be arranged.