Cuscuta legitima Costea & Stefanovic [TYPE] Type of Cuscuta legitima: MEXICO. Sonora: Northwest side of RÃo Yaqui at MEX 15 near Esperanza, ca. 9 km north of Ciudad Obregón; 27°35'45N 109°56'W, ca. 40 m elevation, locally common parasite on Boerhavia coccinea (Nyctaginaceae); flowers white, stems yellow10 Sep 1994, T.R. Van Devender 94-458 et al. (WLU; duplicates at ARIZ, ASU, MEXU, UC, and UCR). = Cuscuta californica Choisy var. reflexa J.M.Coulter, Contr. U. S. Natl. Herb. 1: 45. 1890; 2: 295. 1892.